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Future Adopters please read: Paying for Animals

An adoption fee is a vital part of our business model (as you saw recently fundraisers don’t always provide what we need to survive let alone to help as many animals as we hope to), also, people paying for animals we believe to be an important step in committing to adopting- as many expenses for animals pop up over time from food to vet bills and more. 

Something you may not realise when considering adopting from us is that all our adoptions are processed online, not upon pick up (remember we don’t run a shelter, we are a ‘home to home service’. Our rehomers (where you collect the animal you adopt from) can not accept cash for the animals they rehome through us and they can not do the adoption paperwork for us either. Their role is to patiently wait for you to be confident that the animal you adopted is as described and you are happy to take them home (if not then you leave them there and we provide a refund in full). The payment and ‘paperwork’ (all digital and very simple) all happens at the computer with our trained and professional team. 

In summary, if you wish to adopt with us, please read our reviews and research our organisation to find the confidence and assurance to send us a payment (bank or PayPal is fine) prior to collecting your animal (think of us as Amazon for animal adoptions- you buy online then you receive your item after). This will help us a lot with assuring our teams time is put to good use for our animals instead of getting all in place and hearing “I won’t pay online, I’m only paying cash when I pick up.”

Thank you to all our adopters and future adopters for making ‘Home to Home’ adoptions possible. Your trust, open minds and huge hearts make what we do for our animals possible at all. 

See our animals for adoption here: NB all our animals listed currently are in Northern NSW and Gold Coast QLD. We do service all of Australia and all species however so keep an eye on our page by following in order to get updates for your area. 🍀