Into Loving Homes

Direct from one home, into a new loving home.
No shelter, no euthanasia. Simply loving homes.


Into Loving Homes

We find new loving homes for much loved animals who can no longer live where they've been living.


Into Loving Homes

Because every animal deserves a loving home.

How do I rehome an animal with you?

Send us a direct message of FaceBook messenger. It is there that we will walk you through the steps.

DM on Facebook

How do I adopt an animal with you?

See our animals for adoption via the ‘adopt’ tab at the top of the page.
Apply to adopt your chosen animal by sending us a message through FB.

Why would I pay to rehome an animal if a shelter will take them for free?

Would you be happy with your animal going into a shelter if they didn’t need to? We offer a Home to Home service, no shelters or foster care. Our rehomers like to know where their animals end up. We offer that.

What is best for most animals needing new homes is to be rehomed directly from their existing home- into a new loving home and no unnecessary, stressful or risky pit stops in between.

At Into Loving Homes our team have years of experience matching tens of thousands of animals to the ideal families using our Home to Home method. Your animals deserve nothing less.

How much are adoptions?

You can find our animals adoption prices either on their FaceBook ads or by using the ‘adopt’ tab at the top of this page.

Where are you located?

We rehome animals Australia wide. We rehome directly from the animals former home to their new home. Our animals location is always mentioned on their ad or you can find it by clicking the ‘adopt’ tab at the top of this page.

Can I speak to someone on the phone?

Monday to Friday: 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. QLD time.

1300 577 302


Are you animals Vet checked?

Our animals receive vet and temperament assessments prior to being listed online for adoption. The kindest way to administer such examinations on an animal is by having the rehoming family take them for this assessment. To achieve this we work with vets Australia wide at a cost. We have no in house vets working or volunteering with us. Our animals are not listed for adoption with any vet work due- so there are no surprises or unexpected bills for our adopters.

Are you with us?

Home to Home adoption- preventing animals from going into shelters Australia wide.