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Thank you for considering leaving a bequest to Into Loving Homes in your will. Your generosity will make a significant difference to the animals in our care. Our ability to provide for them depends on the continued support of people like you.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to including Into Loving Homes in your will:

Step 1: Decide on the type of gift you want to leave There are different ways you can remember the animals in your will, such as leaving a percentage of your estate, a fixed sum of money, or a percentage of the remainder of your estate after you have provided for your loved ones.

Step 2: Make or update your will It’s essential to seek independent professional advice to ensure your will is legal, valid, and reflects your intentions. Be sure to use the suggested wording provided in the next step.

Step 3: Notify your loved ones and Into Loving Homes Sharing your intentions with us and your loved ones allows us to thank you personally and helps them understand what is important to you.

Suggested wording for your solicitor: “I, [insert your name], give and bequeath to Into Loving Homes, of PO Box 227 Tamborine Mountain QLD 4272 (ABN 33105448656) for the use and purposes of the said: a) the residue (or …% of the residue) of my estate b) …% of my estate c) a sum of $[insert amount] free of all death and estate duties. I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or a Proper Officer authorized to act on his/her behalf shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.”

Leaving a bequest to Into Loving Homes is a simple yet significant way to support animals in need. We thank you in advance from the bottom of our hearts.