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Discrimination against service animals persists, as individuals with service animals are turned away from establishments. Like the woman on today ABC news today, one of our Into Loving Homes volunteers adopted a dog and faced numerous rejections in the past year. Should individuals with service animals have to call ahead to check if they are welcome? Positive Response Dog Training, specialising in service animals, states that the only restricted areas are surgery rooms and commercial kitchens.

Promoting Education and Awareness: It is crucial to educate businesses and the public about the rights and needs of individuals with service animals. Training business owners and staff on appropriate responses and accommodations can foster an environment that embraces inclusivity and equal treatment.

While calling ahead is recommended, true equality means not having to do so. By promoting education, awareness, and understanding, we can make Australia an inclusive and accessible place for individuals and their service animals. Together, let’s eliminate discrimination and ensure a society that treats everyone with dignity and respect.