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In the world of animal rescue and rehoming, the real challenge may not be what you think. The scarcity of shelters isn’t the core issue—it’s the delay in matching animals to their new families.

Within the animal rescue and rehoming landscape, a significant hurdle emerges—the sluggish transition of animals to their forever homes. Many social media pages boast animals having spent up to two years in foster care or shelters, “Donate because these animals are in our care for so long!” despite being healthy, adoptable and loving homes looking for such an animal.

Was there no one to adopt them? Or was finding them their own loving home ASAP never the priority it should have been? While intentions remain noble and efforts genuine, the process often stretches longer than any shelter volunteer or foster caregiver would hope for the animals. This delay not only robs these deserving creatures of a fresh start but also strains donors’ generosity, rescue and rehabilitation resources, and compromises the animals’ well-being.

Here at Into Loving Homes we aspire to solve the biggest problems and create transparency through education. Finding homes with our home-to-home service saves and improves lives. Most animals dropped into shelters and foster care have been great pets, and that’s why the shelter hasn’t euthanised them. That’s why they’re rehomable. But now that our service is here, here to find loving homes for healthy, adoptable animals, so they never need to experience a shelter or even the unsettling foster home transitions. Instead, they go directly to their well-matched, loving home, permanently.

At Into Loving Homes, our pledge is to strike a balance between comprehensive evaluations and prompt placements, if nothing else is needed then nothing else is added. We are committed to ensuring animals find their perfect homes without needless delays, by conducting thorough background checks and compatibility assessments.

Prompt rehoming holds a profound impact. Without it, animals can land in shelters, foster care, pounds, or even face unfortunate outcomes. Or, if already in one of those facilities… they can end up there for the rest of their lives. Efficient adoptions are, indeed, lifesavers.

Join us on our mission to reshape animal rehoming. Together, let’s expedite the journey of these deserving animals to homes where they’re cherished, securing a brighter future.

Learn how we achieve such efficient adoptions into loving homes when other shelters and rescues do not. CLICK HERE.

By Donna Wild. Founder of Into Loving Homes