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Welcoming a new cat into your home is an exciting journey, but not every feline will instantly adapt to their new environment. If you find yourself with a shy cat, it’s important to be patient and understanding. Here at Into Loving Homes, we’ve gathered some invaluable cat care tips to help you provide the best care for your timid furry friend during their transition.

Understanding Shyness in Cats

Shy cats often take their time adjusting to a new home. It’s quite common for them to spend the first few days hiding as they acclimate to their surroundings. While it might be tempting to coax them out of their hiding spots, it’s crucial to let them come out at their own pace. Shy cats tend to exhibit wide-open eyes, slow movements, and a low body posture. During this initial adjustment period, it’s best to give them space and observe from a distance, refraining from interacting until they feel ready.

Top Tips for Settling Shy Cats into Their New Home

1. Create a Safe Space: Start by designating a quiet and enclosed “landing space” for your cat. This could be a spare room where they can feel secure.

2. Use Pheromone Aids: Utilise products like Feliway pheromone spray or diffusers to create a calming environment.

3. Provide Resources: Equip the room with essential resources such as bedding, toys, and hiding spots for retreat.

4. Litter Tray Choices: Begin with two litter trays to give your shy cat options for toileting and keep them at the opposite end of the room to the food, water and bed.

5. Encourage Gradual Exploration: Let your cat explore at their own pace. Invite them into different areas of the house as their curiosity allows, but return them to their landing space to build confidence over time and to assure they’re confident to make it to their kitty litter as required.

6. High Resting Places: Cats love high places, so offer tall cat stands, elevated bedding, or boxes atop cupboards to help them feel secure. They’ll thank you later.

7. Engage in Play: When they begin to settle you can encourage playtime by using enticing toys or treats, fostering a stronger bond and boosting their confidence.

Introducing Shy Cats to Other Cats

If you have multiple cats at home, introduce them gradually:

  1. Exchange Bedding: Swap bedding between cats to familiarise them with each other’s scent before meeting.
  2. Limited Interaction: After about a week, allow limited interaction under a closed door between the new and existing cats.
  3. Progressive Introductions: After two weeks, try supervised interactions, gradually increasing their time together.

Litter Tray Considerations

In multi-cat households, ensure you have one litter tray per cat placed in various rooms to avoid toileting conflicts.

At Into Loving Homes, we understand the unique needs of each cat. With patience, understanding, and these curated tips, you can help your shy cat transition more smoothly into their new home, ensuring a happy and harmonious relationship for years to come. Wishing you and them all the best.