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By Donna Wild, Founder of Into Loving Homes

Since my early years working and volunteering in animal welfare, I was uneasy with the stigma surrounding people who rehomed their animals. I knew them as people in unfortunate situations; death, divorce, financial hardship, mental health, rental crisis, mental health sufferers and so much more. Those rehoming their animals for any reason at all, they weren’t just labeled as bad by the general public; it’s been acceptable to publicly abuse them on social media platforms.

I founded Into Loving Homes because I recognised a need for a Home-to-Home adoption service that could revolutionise the way we treat animals during rehoming, ensuring that they never have to endure the hardship of shelter life and homelessness. But, as Into Loving Homes grew, I encountered a challenge that threatened to hinder my mission- not enough donations to pay for putting animals into new homes. It was then that I decided to challenge the status quo. I wanted to find out if those who were rehoming their pets would be willing to financially cover essential costs- veterinary bills, microchip transfer and Facebook ads (professionally targeted to reach a local adopter, FB ads is how we get over 90% of our animals adopted in under a week). This way, helping animals wasn’t dependant on money coming solely from donors but from those wanting/needing to rehome their animals too.

It turned out that many of them were more than willing to contribute to the financial costs of their own animals rehoming. In fact, 50% of them could and would.

It was then that I made a decision that would ultimately change the lives of countless animals for years to come and possibly the animal welfare industry for decades to come too, I would let every rehomer know they could pay for their animals rehoming costs, (I wouldn’t need to turn them away like shelters Australia wide were doing since the end of the COVID era due to over crowding/underfunding).

Our commitment is to support more individuals in rehoming their animals, to keep animals out of shelters and into loving homes. Some may be unable to cover their own vet bills, microchip transfers, or professionally targeted Facebook ads. We are beyond grateful to have a system that works so incredibly well for those who want to and can pay the way for their animals rehoming. For the others, we hope to have enough donations in time to help all who come forward. To be able to offer desexing in particular, but also all vet work, microchip transfers and ad promotions. But for now, we distribute donations to those animals being rehomed that need it most. In time, we hope to not need to turn away a single person with an animal in need because we and they together can’t afford it. We strive to have the funds available to keep all animals out of shelters, enabling shelters to focus solely on what they do best- helping homeless animals back into loving homes.

What kind of expenses can someone using our service cover:
Vet Bill: The minimum vet bill for rehoming a cat or dog is approximately $65, which may increase based on additional needs like vaccinations, medication, dental, desexing ($260-$880) and microchipping ($35).
Microchip Transfer: ($10)
Flea Tick and Worm Treatment: All cats and dogs must be rehomed with flea, tick and worm treatments up to date ($35)

FaceBook paid ad: ($37-$800)

You see, this is why we have a zero-tolerance policy on our social media for anyone bullying people who are rehoming animals. “Why did they abandon their family member.” “What kind of person would dump this dog?” We must realise that we can’t fully comprehend their circumstances (or maybe we can), the last thing they need during such a challenging time and losing a loved family member is to be subjected to trolling or harassment online.

Join us in this mission to provide loving homes for every animal in need. Together, we can make a profound difference in the lives of those animals whose guardians can’t afford to do it for them.
Find Animals to Adopt here:
DM to donate here: or call 1300577302 to discuss

Donating to Into Loving Homes, 100% of your donations go directly to finding animals loving homes using our professionally targeted Facebook ads. DM to donate here: or call 1300577302 to discuss.