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At Into Loving Homes, we prioritise the well-being and happiness of the animals we find homes for. That’s why our team of adoption experts is highly experienced and trained in adopter screening and matching. In fact, they have matched tens of thousands of animals into loving homes successfully already. By implementing a thorough screening process, we ensure that each animal finds a loving and suitable forever home. In this blog, we’ll delve into the details of our screening methods and explain how we use targeted questions and social media accounts as helpful ways to assess potential adopters.

At Into Loving Homes, finding the right match between animals and families is our top priority. To achieve this, our team of adoption experts follows a comprehensive screening process that involves targeted questions and careful evaluation of potential adopters and it’s done so efficiently that adopters may not even realise it’s happening.

  1. Targeted Questions:

When assessing potential adopters, we ask specific questions designed to understand their lifestyle, preferences, and capabilities as pet owners. For example, if a dog is noted as too jumpy for young children, we ensure that the adopter does not have young children in the household and doesn’t plan to soon either. This helps us make informed decisions and prevent any potential mismatches that could lead to an unsuitable environment for the animal.

  1. Animal Requirements:

We have certain requirements for our animals that potential adopters must meet. These requirements are in place to ensure the safety and well-being of both the animal and the adoptive family. For instance, if an animal requires a calm and quiet environment, we won’t match them with a household that has a lot of noise or activity. By carefully considering these factors, we increase the likelihood of a successful and harmonious adoption.

  1. Social Media Assessment:

As part of our screening process, we require all potential adopters to have active social media accounts. Social media can provide valuable insights into an individual’s lifestyle, values, and interactions with animals. For example, if someone inquires to adopt a dog that may be suitable for pig hunting, but the prospective family wishes to have the dog as an indoor family pet, we can review their social media account to help ensure there is no evidence of pig hunting activities. This additional step helps us ensure that the animal will be placed in an environment that aligns with their needs and the adopter’s intentions.

At Into Loving Homes, we believe that a successful adoption begins with a thorough screening process. Our team of adoption experts is dedicated to finding the perfect match between animals and families. By utilising targeted questions, setting animal requirements, and assessing social media accounts, we can make informed decisions that lead to long-lasting and loving relationships. Through our meticulous screening process, we strive to create a safe and nurturing environment for our animals, ensuring that they find their forever loving homes with caring and responsible individuals or families.