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Into Loving Homes is a rehoming service for animals in need. We are not a shelter, we do not have our own vets onsite, instead we are here to prevent animals from going into shelters or at risk of being put down due to shelters being full and having no where to go. We pay to utilise the vets in the community across Australia.

We helped hundreds last year and intend to help 1000 this year. This beauty pictured here is one of them.

If things look different here to other animal rescue pages it is because they are. We like all involved in the rehoming process to be happy- the animals, the rehomers and the adopters. We spend our funds predominantly on promoting fb ads of animals in need (only, not ever on gaining likes or follows) to reach potential adopters- our ultimate goal. This is where we believe all rescue organisations that rehome should be spending majority of their funds today considering the power of social media. Most spend zero on it. Which is why their turn around of animals into loving homes is so low and ours so high.

We follow the laws and legislations of rehoming to a T. We put in front of your eyes what many organisations won’t because their boards inhibit it or their social media experts advise against it. We do this because we believe strongly in transparency. If we practice it, you can see it on our fb page.

Thank you for reading till the end. If you have further questions please feel free to contact us on fb messenger or call us (during QLD and NSW business hours) on 1300 577 302.

We hope you see the bravery, skill and care required to run this not for profit organisation and support in ways you can even if just with words of kindness. All is appreciated.

To 1000 animals finding loving homes this year.

For life,
The Team @ Into Loving Homes

Did you know that you can leave a gift in your will to the animals? Click here to learn more.