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Now that summer is here and the temperatures are incredibly high, lets assure our favourite family members are happy and healthy.

Like in humans, heatstroke occurs when an animal’s body temperature becomes elevated above the normal range due to exposure to excessively high temperatures, to the point where their body’s temperature-regulating mechanism fails and they can’t maintain a healthy temperature. It’s a very serious condition that can cause organ failure or death.

Read on for some ways to keep your dog cool this summer.

Avoid walking your dog in the middle of the day

Walk your dog early in the morning or late in the evening when the temperature is cooler. Avoid walking on hot sand, concrete, asphalt areas or any other areas where heat is reflected and there is no access to shade or get them booties.

One way to check if the ground is too hot is to place the back of your hand on the surface for five seconds and if it’s too hot for you, then it’s too hot for your dog. Simple.

Never leave your dog alone in a car or vehicle

Don’t ever leave your dog in a car or vehicle. Dogs can also overheat when left on the back of a ute, including by burning their feet or other body parts on the ute tray.

Provide plenty of water

Always put an extra bowl or two or three out in case one gets knocked over or empty. You could also pop in some ice cubes to keep the water cold. 

Keep your Dog indoors

Bring your dog inside if the indoor environment is cooler. If they are outside, it’s important to provide your dog with a cool, shaded area with good ventilation. Good ventilation is particularly important as dogs cool down by panting which requires good air flow. 

By following these tips, you can have peace of mind that your pooch is safe and cool in these warmer seasons.