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Thank you very much for considering leaving a bequest to the animals in your Will. We are very grateful to you for your generosity. Our animals future depends upon the continued generosity of people such as you.

Here is a “How to” from here, so that you can leave Into Loving Homes in your will.

Step 1. Decide what your gift will be

There are a number of ways you can remember the animals of Into Loving Homes in your will. 

Most commonly:

After you have provided for your loved ones, the whole or a percentage of the remainder of your estate can be left to Into Loving Homes.

A percentage of your total estate, allowing your gift to maximise as your estate matures.


A fixed sum of money or assets, including property, investments or shares. 

Step 2. Make or Update your Will

We recommend that you seek independent professional advice to make sure your will is legal, valid and represents your intentions. Make sure you use the correct wording, as suggested after these three steps. 

Step 3. Notify your Loved ones and Into Loving Homes
Sharing your intention with us and your loved ones enables us to thank you in person and for your loved ones to know what is important to you. 

Suggested wording for your solicitor.

I, …… ……, give and bequeath to Into Loving Homes, of PO Box 227 Tamborine Mountain QLD 4272 (ABN 33105448656) for the use and purposes of the said:
a) the reside (or …..% of the residue) of my estate
b) …..% of my estate
c) a sum of $…… free of all death and estate duties.

I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or a Proper Officer authorised to act on his/her behalf shall be sufficient discharge to my executors. 

It’s as simple as that. Simple yet Significant. With all our hearts, in advance, Thank You.

Did you know that we offer pension prices? Learn more here.