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Bringing a new rooster or chicken into your avian clan is an exciting endeavor, but it requires thoughtful planning. To ensure a seamless integration and promote a peaceful coexistence, it’s essential to keep the newcomer separated from the existing flock for a designated period. This introductory phase typically ranges from 48 hours to up to two weeks, depending on the dynamics between the birds as they interact through a safe barrier.

Why is this gradual approach crucial? If you put chooks or roosters together without this safety barrier it can be fatal. It serves to reduce stress and prevent potential conflicts among the feathered residents. Such careful management not only ensures their physical well-being but also paves the way for a harmonious chicken community.

At Into Loving Homes, we hold the welfare of all our feathered and furry friends in high regard. Stay connected with us on our Facebook page for updates on available companions near you, or explore our website anytime to discover the animals currently seeking loving homes: