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Many cats are rehomed due to their reluctance to stay indoors. We would never wish to pass that issue onto another adopter hoping to keep them indoors, that would be an unsuitable match, so we have a solution for you.

As a rehoming service, we strongly believe in our obligation to convey the cat’s previous lifestyle, preferences, and needs for the sake of finding a well-matched home and ensuring long-term peace within the household. Our intention is not to endorse outdoor living for cats, but rather to suggest that if you are unable to provide a suitable and compassionate indoor environment for a cat accustomed to outdoor life (enough space to roam indoors and a sun room or enclosed catio), we kindly request that you consider adopting one of our feline companions who are already comfortable living indoors. The description of their ad always includes this information because we see it as vital information.

We understand that expecting people to adopt a cat accustomed to enjoying the outdoors every day and forcing them to live solely indoors would be detrimental to both the human-cat connection and the well-being of both the cat and the human. Therefore, we encourage prospective adopters who prefer to keep their cats indoors full-time to consider adopting a cat that is already acclimated and content with an indoor lifestyle. This ensures a harmonious and fulfilling relationship for both parties. We have new cats available for adoption listed almost every day, Australia wide, many used to indoors and requested by their rehoming family that they are rehomed to an indoor home.

There are loving homes out there that want and even need cats to have outdoor access, whether it’s to manage rodents around the home or because their other animals live that way and keeping a cat indoors wouldn’t be suitable for that particular household.

To find a cat available for adoption near you, please click HERE. If you find the one for you, DM us on FB HERE to get started.