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It’s a little-known fact that cats in particular are hyper-sensitive to change. It is hugely upsetting for a cat to be removed from its home, from everything familiar and safe, to a cage in a packed shelter. Trauma can manifest itself in many ways. A cat can go from being a well-adjusted animal, to one which is silent and withdrawn, alternatively they can become aggressive toward other cats and handlers. Many stop eating too.

The RSPCA have recently highlighted the issue, with many of their cats are having to be put through a specialist rehabilitation program, to help them prepare for calm, happier lives with new families.

Which goes to prove our ethos. That to give cats, and all animals the best chance in life, they should, whenever possible, be moved direct from re-homer to their adopter. It is the least stressful route to take and allows for a stable transition.

My Local Pages – RSPCA Queensland looks to home hundreds of cats after trauma rehab program