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When we have an animal urgently for adoption we often receive inbox questions asking why we aren’t transporting animals interstate. The answer is 3 fold:

one because it is not good for the environment,

two because it is not a productive way to spend donations and

three because it is not good for the animal.

This is why our animals are rehomed locally whenever possible.

How do we assure this?

It is important to realise that rehoming interstate does not assure an animals safety. In fact it comes with many risks: an adopter can pull out, the funds may not be available, transport may not be safe, the list goes on.

We find homes locally by spending majority of our donations assuring this happens. Our donations are not spent on shelters or transport, they’re spent on assuring loving homes for all of our animals. Paid FaceBook ads enable us to reach ideally matched, loving homes locally, kindly and environmentally.

If it was in the best interest to rehome interstate, you bet we would. So far, 400+ animals have been rehomed locally, not one yet would have been better off transported across states.

So when you see us advertise animals for urgent adoption, please know that we are working around the clock to find a well matched, loving home as local to them as possible.

Learn more about our Home to Home adoption here.