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Into Loving Homes offers a range of programs that aim to develop responsible and caring behaviour toward animals. From learning how to care for animals through to why we should care for animals.

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Schools / Education Centres

We tailor our lessons to suit the age and interests of your students. We also fit in with any units of work that you are currently teaching.  Sharing messages around animal welfare, care and adoption.

Community Groups

Whether your group’s interest is around the personal caring of animals, what Into Loving Homes does for the community or how you can actively get involved in helping animals we can deliver an engaging and thought provoking session.

The following example lessons are available. All are available in an age-appropriate format to cater to any year level.

Into Loving Homes Roles and Responsibilities

Learn about the business model and running of Into Loving Homes.

Responsible Pet Ownership

Students will learn how to care for dogs and cats and cover important aspects of pet ownership including: food, water, shelter, exercise, grooming, mental health and Veterinary treatment.

Dog Safety

Students will learn how to safely interact with dogs, covering key safety messages:

  • Looking at dog body language and how they feel i.e., happy, angry, scared
  • What to do when encountering an unknown dog
  • Safe and unsafe situations to interact with dogs
  • When seeing assistance or guide dogs

Careers in animal welfare

Many students would love to work with and for animals. What these roles entail, and what it takes to get them are discussed. These can include working with domestic pets and farm animals.

Community Group presentations

Invite us to visit your community group to deliver a presentation on a wide range of animal-related topics. Everyone can benefit from our insightful and engaging programs, with sessions tailored to suit the interests of your group and offer ways individuals and groups can help animals in need.

Express your interest. Contact us today via FB messenger here or call us on 1300577302.